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All I can say is WOW!!!
DAThe family will be very impressed and thankful for such a wonderful keepsake.
RPYour photo work is way better than what I had. It really makes a big difference.
DAMy Dad was absolutely thrilled with it, so thanks again to you and your team for a great job.
MDI am impressed with the work. Thank you for bringing the project to fruition.
DAThe book arrived in excellent condition. The shipping box was very good and the book was obviously well-protected.
DAI am so moved by this book and can't wait to share it with my children.
JGYou put a lot of time into helping my dad and our family is very appreciative.
JGI thought it was time to record some of my history for [my children and grandchildren] to ponder and pass on.
GMI received the books and absolutely love them!!! Thank you!!
DHI especially like the way you cleaned up the writing without changing my dad’s voice.
JGWe'll take what you have, help you add more if you'd like, and turn it into a beautiful book.
We will interview you and handle all the writing, editing, and printing.